Capsho: Titles and Transcripts and Show Notes, OH MY!

How to use Ai to write show notes, with CapSho co-founder Deirdre Tshien

If you’re like me, you used to make labels in your DAW in order to make note of interesting and important information. Then, you’d open up a Google Doc or Word and start writing.

Well, I’ve found a shortcut called Capsho.

Capsho is not just an Ai-driven show notes writer, but also provides a transcript, social captions, a full blog article, email letter, and even YouTube description (depending on the level you sign up for).

Deirdre Tshien co-founded Capso and gives the Podcast Editor Academy a quick demonstration on all its uses…and it’s fantastic!

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About Deirdre Tshien:
Deirdre is the Co-founder & CEO of Capsho, the world’s first AI-powered Podcast Copywriter!

She is a serial entrepreneur, having founded and led 7 businesses across 5 industries in the last 9 years, and has navigated the entire spectrum of experiences and emotions (the good, the bad and the ugly) that comes with starting, running and exiting businesses.

With her hands-on experience in successfully growing her businesses to 6 & 7 figures, she now helps experts who podcast beat obscurity!